


“Evolving Sustainable Organizations from Value Chains to Value Networks as the key source of competitive advantage to promote Sustainable and Social Communities through the alignment of Corporate Finance with GreenTech Infrastructures and Social Development". I am one of the Internet Pioneers in Europe and the Founder and Chairman of maat Group (, the holding company of one of the most innovative and fast growing independent privately owned Structured Corporate Finance / Technology / Services Group (est. 1999) established around Maat International Group with corporate presence in Europe, UAE, Africa and Asia representing the interest of some international investments coroporations. My leadership and business experience accumulated both in Public and Private Sector marked a change in the pioneering the development of Internet in Europe; Corporate Strategy of Professional Services offering into the Structured Corporate Services (Multilateral Agencies, Investment Funds

Invest 2030. La Iniciativa de maat Group para la financiación de los Objetivos de la Economía Sostenible.

Invest 2030. La Iniciativa de maat Group para la financiación de los Objetivos de la Economía Sostenible. Santiago Jiménez Barrull presenta la Iniciativa “Investment 30”. La Financiación de los Objetivos ESG Santiago Jiménez Barrull ha presentado hoy en Estambul la iniciativa “Investment 30” en el contexto de la Oferta de Servicios de Tecnología y Servicios Financieros del Grupo empresarial Maat International Group como parte de su estrategia para dar respuesta a los nuevos retos del desarrollo económico empresarial en contexto de la emergencia climática y de la sociedad post-COVID. Maat International Group viene promoviendo activamente en los últimos años un modelo de Economía Circular con el fin de establecer un modelo de desarrollo económico que de respuesta de manera integral a los nuevos retos de carácter ambiental, sociales y de gobernanza (ESG, por sus siglas inglesas). Así, tal y como establece la Resolución 70/1 de la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas “Transformar n

Innovation into the Banking System

Digital innovation has helped evolve the financial services sector, but the global pandemic has prompted an overhaul in the role of advanced technology and digital services as traditional bricks and mortar business models lose relevance and consumers radically adjust their banking behaviour. To remain competitive in this new digital reality, it is important that senior leadership recognise the part technology has to play in adapting to the banking world that Covid-19 has created says Santiago Jimenez Barrull. These emerging financial services and products, powered by emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain and machine learning, have played a defining role in the banking sector for the past few years, but in order to remain relevant in the uncertain environment instigated by a global pandemic, their function in banking systems is more evident than ever. These tools are the key to banks being able to streamline services, redefine business models and focu


Una alternativa financiera para empresas y particulares... Initial Coin Offerings  can be considered as an alternative form of crowdfunding that has emerged outside of the traditional financial system. This model has helped a lot of successful projects and companies get the funding required to start their business.  In 2013, over  US$5.1 billion  were raised via crowdfunding worldwide,  which increased to  US$16 billion  in 2014 and was estimated at over  US$34 billion  in 2015. The momentum behind crypto remains powerful. Bitcoin is still worth seven times what it was just a year ago. In the first quarter of this year, according to CoinDesk, a news service, $6.3bn was raised through initial coin offerings (ICOs), a form of funding in which firms issue digital tokens, more than in all of 2017.  Up till July of 2017, the total dollar amount raised in Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) was a staggering USD$1,252,676,352. That’s over a billion dolla

Teoria Cuantica y la percepción de la Realidad

Teoria Cuantica y  Realidad   La cuántica establece que las partículas elementales, constitu- yentes del átomo, no son elementos esencialmente reales dada su imprecisión existencial. Se pueden comportar como partículas en un momento dado, y como ondas en el siguiente o en el anterior como si existieran en un espacio y un tiempo que no reconoce el presente, saltan del pasado al futuro, y a la inversa. El presente sólo es reco- nocido como una necesidad y una arbitrariedad de la observación humana . Es muy importante resaltar que bajo este contexto se esta- ría admitiendo la existencia del tiempo. No obstante, contradicto- riamente, las partículas elementales y las ondas exigen su derecho de ser el fundamento de la materia. Paradigma complejo y de difícil solución. La relevante incapacidad estriba en que tanto los fenóme- nos a grandes velocidades como los que ocurren en el mundo de    las partículas elementales o micropartículas o mundo cuántico, son solubles siempre que n